Sports / Postural Taping
Sports / Postural Taping
Kinesiology Taping - K Tape, is the application of a thin, elasticated cotton tape. Used to reduce stress on injuries and assist with inflammatory conditions.
Great to assist with posture related conditions and lymphatic return.
Here at BSPOKR we use Rocktape. It is a leading brand of Kinesio Tape. It can be used to assist a lot of sporting activities and injuries.
Common Uses and Benefits of using K-Tape
Pain Relief - Positioning structures into beneficial positions reduces pain
Swelling Reduction - By lifting the skin, k-tape improves lymphatic return, reduces swelling and other inflammatory conditions quickly.
Reduces Muscle Fatigue - K-tape provides physical and neurological support for the muscles it is applied to.
Gets you back in the game - through supporting the irritated structures, it allows them to use full range of motion with less stress therefore improves outcomes.
What Conditions can you use sports K-Tape for?
- Tennis Elbow
- Plantar Fascitis
- Heel Pain
- Golfers Elbow
- Tendinopathaies
- Shoulder pain
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- As a support in pregnancy.
Many amateur and professional athletes use sports K-Tape as part of their injury and pain management, and as part of their sports massage treatments.