The key to performing better is being both strong and flexible in your Activities of Daily Living. (ADL's). When we can do this we can then make sure our body is performing at its best. Everyone has a different level. Some people have very high expectations on themselves and what they are willing to push their body to do. Others are just about living and getting through each day. Either way you deserve to be the best version you can be.
Stretching is one of the best (and most often overlooked) practices for your body, as it increases your flexibility, an important part of your overall health and wellbeing. It increases your range of motion and improve your posture, which helps to decrease the chance of injuries.
Muscles work in pairs throughout your body. One muscle (referred to as the agonist) contracts to facilitate a movement while the opposing muscle (called the antagonist) relaxes and allows that movement to happen. This concept is called reciprocal inhibition By applying this principle to active stretching, you can lengthen the muscle in a very safe and natural way.
One of the example I give to my clients is when we are stretching the hip flexors - I get you to squeeze your glute muscle. (see below)
There are always some debates around how long you need to hold a good stretch for, but for me the longer the better. AS long as you are in a comfortable and in no pain.
The below Feel Good Stretches / movements are my ultimate ones to do.
🍄 90/90 - Great for the glute muscles in your behind. There are a few components I like to make sure you get all these right first up so you do this the best way for optimal results from the start. First up is having the legs at 90 degrees in the front and 90 degrees in the back. Both hands on each side of the front knee - makes sure chest is centred and pull chest up and make sure back is straight. I find it best to make sure I rotate hips for a deeper stretch not bending to floor with my back bent / hunched over - I think the key is to maintain a nice straight back! Change Sides
🍄 QL - Lower back stretch is for all of use, this really helps with some lower back mobility. One leg behind the other. Important that the same arm (of the behind leg) is stretched up and over if you require a deeper stretch extend the back foot more towards the back. Change sides
🍄 Hamstring - I like to be seated for this - just gives me stability. One leg extended the other is brought up and bent and the knee - so only stretching one side. Then reach forward as far as you can and feel the stretch up the leg - it is a great stretch to be able to monitor your progress and flexibility. If you can hold your foot, hold your leg or ankle to be able to give it a good stretch. Change sides
🍄 Hip Flexors - Proposal Position on one knee. A few steps to take in this one and it is a really small movement unless you are extremely flexi. I like to start this by ensuring I have a stable base. I then squeeze my glute ( the one that the knee is touching the floor) and rotate my hips up / forward and slightly push forward, I definitely feel this one!! Reach arm up nice and high to get into the deeper psoas muscle in your midsection. Change Sides
🍄 Pectoral - Two good stretches for here - great for those who work at a desk, do long stints of driving. Find a wall or door frame, start with your elbow around shoulder height - lean into and rotate away from arm / shoulder. Then to reach the other pec raise your arm - elbow to eye height and do the same. You can choose which leg to have forward, you may get more movement with changing it up. Change Sides
🍄 Wall Angels - really good for shoulder mobility. Stand with your back against the wall as flat as you can. Get arms bent at the elbows, try makeing elbows at shoulder height. Slide hands up the wall to meet in the middle and return to starting position.